About: polarapfel





Posts by polarapfel

Public Viewing

In case you haven’t noticed, soccer is a huge thing in Germany. Immensely huge. While at home, various clubs attract specific clientele – St. Pauli for example is much more attractive to the “social underbelly” than Bayern Munich is which tends to attract well situated followers.…

Leica T – First thoughts

Leica took its sweet time to release a modern, mirrorless system camera. Dubbed the Leica T, available in black and silver, it resembles a design we have seen from Sony in its NEX cameras. The camera will be manufactured and assembled in a dedicated plant in Germany, while the native lenses for the new T mount will only be Leica branded but in fact be manufactured and assembled by Panasonic in Japan [Update: the lenses are not manufactured by Panasonic, they are manufactured in Japan by a third party, not Leica].…

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Report from the trenches – #2

I thought it’s time to share stuff more frequently here, so starting today you will find a selection of interesting finds and reads from all over the Internet. Rather than just resorting to re-tweeting or re-posting stuff on Twitter or Tumblr, it’s more fun to post them on this blog where I have the room and freedom to comment with more than just a handful of words.…

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Report from the trenches – #1

I thought it’s time to share stuff more frequently here, so starting today you will find a selection of interesting finds and reads from all over the Internet. Rather than just resorting to re-tweeting or re-posting stuff on Twitter or Tumblr, it’s more fun to post them on this blog where I have the room and freedom to comment with more than just a handful of words.…

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Happy New Year!

I wish everybody a happy new year 2014! For me, 2013 has been a very busy year with lots of work related travel and 2014 looks just as busy – in fact I am leaving for a business trip to CES at Las Vegas this weekend.…

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Example Pictures: Perspective versus Focal Length

A lot of people wrongfully associate perspective with focal length and suggest that a change or different choice of focal length alters the perspective, “compresses” it or “distorts” it.  This of course is rubbish as perspective is defined only by the distance of the lens to the subjects in the image.…

Someone is wrong – Perspective versus Focal Length

In photography, one of the most common misconceptions is about perspective, how it is defined and what alters or modifies it. Just search the Internet for a good definition of the term and you’ll understand where some of that confusion is probably coming from in an age where nobody seems to bother buying a decent text book anymore and resorts to free content online only as their only source of wisdom.…

Konica Hexar AF – a quiet camera for quiet moments

The term compact camera often has a condescending ring to it, as most compact cameras don’t live up to premium expectations. In the 1990s, when film photography was still a mass market for professionals and consumers alike, a number of Japanese manufacturers – many of them not in the photography business anymore today – swarmed the market with a range of outstanding premium compact cameras, some of them still in production today.…

The Audio CD is alive – and well?

The human being is a lazy entity, always striving for the path of the lowest resistance. Businesses try to get the better of us by making use of this wisdom. They lock us into proprietary formats when we download movies and music via their paid services and we like to think that the services we use today will remain available forever in the future, making the same assumptions about the devices we use to consume those proprietary formats.…

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A day in London

Due to my work, I benefit from international one day business trips occasionally. Yesterday, I had a meeting in London, so I hopped on a plane from Hamburg to London in the morning and back again in the evening. On my way to my meeting and back to the airport I managed to get away with some images.…

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