Happy New Year!
January 2nd, 2014 | by Tobias Weisserth | published in Blog, Feature
I wish everybody a happy new year 2014! For me, 2013 has been a very busy year with lots of work related travel and 2014 looks just as busy - in fact I am leaving for a business trip to CES at Las Vegas this weekend. Just like last year, I'll be leaving that couch behind me a lot in 2014. And one of the resolutions for the new year is that I'm going to share more of my travel and photography with ...
Konica Hexar AF – a quiet camera for quiet moments
August 26th, 2013 | by Tobias Weisserth | published in Gadgets
The term compact camera often has a condescending ring to it, as most compact cameras don't live up to premium expectations. In the 1990s, when film photography was still a mass market for professionals and consumers alike, a number of Japanese manufacturers - many of them not in the photography business anymore today - swarmed the market with a range of outstanding premium compact cameras, some o...
A different Minolta CLE review: Minolta CLE versus Minolta XD7
June 8th, 2012 | by Tobias Weisserth | published in Gadgets
There's no doubt a lot has been written on the Internet about this little Minolta rangefinder camera already, even though the camera is out of production since long before the Internet became a reality in the first place. Among all the rangefinder camera systems available throughout the last decades, the CLE has always been somewhat of a dark horse. Minolta was an excellent manufacturer in the day...